Services Booking
Feel free to call us directly or simply complete our form below and we will follow up with you.
Frequently Asked Questions
We save money.
We save time.
We use high quality cleaning materials.
We offer many options for you to choose from.
They are consistent.
They show compassion and humility.
They respect boundaries.
They compromise and don’t expect something for nothing.
They’re relaxed (and so are you).
They are respectful when it comes to time.
They show gratitude.
They give up all the facts, even if it hurts.
They confide in you.
They aren’t materialistic or desperate for money.
They’re right a lot.
They skip the water cooler gossip.
They’re learners.
You know who they’re connected to, and they try to connect you.
They’re there for you and others.
When you outsource your laundry needs, you’ll save money by not having to pay for the water and electricity to run your washing machine and dryer. You’ll save money on laundry detergent which can get quite expensive When you outsource your laundry needs, you’ll save money by not having to pay for the water and electricity to run your washing machine and dryer. You’ll save money on laundry detergent which can get quite expensive fairly quickly. Further, you have to maintain these machines, which when they break, can be expensive.
We are legally required to take ‘reasonable’ care of anything left with them.
You can claim compensation if your belongings are damaged or lost while in our care.
Make a complaint
As soon as you realise there’s a problem, contact us and explain the situation. We might offer you compensation straight away.
If you are not satisfied, you should ask us to either:
cover the cost of repairing the item
pay to replace the item (if it can’t be repaired)
If we have to pay the cost of replacing the item, the maximum we’re obliged to offer you is the value of the belongings when they were left, not what they would cost to replace as new.
You’ll probably be asked to provide evidence of how much it originally cost – for example, a receipt. We can then offer you a reduced amount depending on the condition of the item – you’ll have to negotiate the cost with us.
Buttons and zippers
Wash inside out
Don’t forget to use a fabric softener. Or do?