- Washing, drying and ironing sheets, towels, bedding, and clothes
- Loading machines with items
- Folding clothes before bagging them
- Sorting items according to colour, size, type and fabric
- Performing minor repairs of garments (when appropriate)
- Labeling items
- Ensuring that the laundry room was tidy and accessible at all times
- Checking items for damage, rips or stains
- Tidying up the wardrobes and drawers of the customers
- Answering customers’ queries (face-to-face, over the phone and through e-mail)
- Getting the customer’s washing returned in a timely manner
- Handling Cash
- General day-to-day duties of running and maintaining a laundry room
- Operating various machines
- Marketing the company’s services
- Building friendly and professional relationships with clients
- Providing excellent customer service at all times